About Us
Completing my mediation training was a ‘light bulb’ moment for me, I was disillusioned as a Solicitor with financial targets and encouragement to run cases to a final hearing to increase fees. Long protracted court proceedings never benefitted my clients or their families. One thing I say a lot is ‘I believe I have helped more clients around my mediation table than I ever did in a courtroom!’ I stand by this today, mediation works and enables me to facilitate, guide, empower separated families to reach parenting plans or financial settlements themselves – quickly, cost-effectively and amicably.
We are committed to offering legal aid so if families are struggling and are eligible, they can access a FREE service.
Mediation helps but sometimes additional support is required outside of this to help separated partners or parents feel able or ready to engage/make decisions. Therefore, recently I plan to expand the business to offer not just mediation services but other self-care, supplementary support services to give others the tools they need to be able to make decisions for the future. As far as I am aware many mediation services are not offering these additional services.

My background as a solicitor means I understand the law and can give legal information during mediation about the court process, factors and the range of orders the courts make. Many clients find this invaluable in helping them reach financial settlements particularly.
At Allison Family Mediation Services, we have embraced technology and online working. These days I am used to Zoom calls, working with multiple screen’s, and sharing key documents when required. I always wanted to offer a mediation service for the whole of West Yorkshire and prior to 2020, I would spend many hours commuting to my various outreach offices. Now I see how the challenges of 2020 have led to opportunities in AFMS being able to offer our services further afield. Whether that’s clients in London approaching me because my services are cost-effective or ex-pat’s in other countries [Hong Kong, Brazil, France, Spain and Barbados to name a few interesting zoom calls I have undertaken].
Why us? Interested to hear more, call us. There is no obligation to proceed. Approach us to see if we could be the right ‘fit’ for you.

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